Author Profile

Robert (or Rob if you're lazy) is an assistant editor of Push Square, and has been a fan of PlayStation since the 90s, when Tekken 2 introduced him to the incredible world of video games. He still takes his fighting games seriously, but RPGs are his true passion. The Witcher, Persona, Dragon Quest, Mass Effect, Final Fantasy, Trails, Tales — he's played 'em all. A little too much, some might say.

Rob (now we're the lazy ones) has been part of Push Square for over a decade, and is one of Hookshot Media's most experienced editors. He remembers a time when he was simply a fan of Sammy's plucky PlayStation website, and he never envisioned a future where he'd be writing about games for a living — but here we are!

10,992 (446 reviews)
First Article
Wed 21st, November 2012
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