I got a PS4 a few weeks ago and my PSN is Crossword-Man.
PSN- Crossword-Man
3DS Friend Code- 3067-6402-2163
Youtube Channel http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeKk-kKUlvYeZSW2XbVrsqQ
Latest Review: Star Wars Battlefront Beta
Please add me as I need more friends.
I'm not a huge online player either, but also like seeing what everyone else is playing so add me up on 'superconsole' if you like But please say you're from the Push Square community!
ps. If anyone has already sent me an invite and I haven't accepted please let me know!
hI everyone ive just splashed the cash and got a ps4 so in need of friends to play with/against (all my friends still haven't made the jump from ps3) so far I have killzone cod ghosts fifa 14 and knack but nxt on my list in the nxt couple of weeks will be watchdogs and bf4
Mine is JDBluedevil. Am looking to add as many as possible because we will need a lot to get some serious Destiny raids going in the near future. Will be sending many of you friends requests in the next few days.. Thanks guys.
P.S. Say you are from pushsquare in the message, thx:)
I have a lot of games, send me an invite if I'm online and I will probably be able to join. No competitive multiplayer though. Not my thing. Co op all day, but deathmatch bores me silly.
I already added a bunch of you and will probably add the rest tomorrow but it's late, I've had a couple of beers and I'm tired.
Topic: PSN ID Exchange
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