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Shenmue I & II (PS4) Guides

  • Guide Shenmue II - How to Easily Make Lots of Money

    Cash for Cool Z

    There’s a moment early in Shenmue II where you’ll lose all of your money, and there’s nothing you can do about it. From that point, you’re going to have to try and make some cash if you want to purchase toy capsules or play arcade games. There are various jobs you can do to make some dollars, including carrying crates and...

  • Guide Shenmue - How to Find Charlie in the Tattoo Parlor in Dobuita

    Needle in a haystack

    One of the early objectives in Shenmue is to find Charlie in Dobuita, a man who wears a leather jacket, black sunglasses, and has a tattoo on his arm. The problem is that not many of the locals have heard of him, so we’re going to help you to track him down in the local tattoo parlor. Once you’ve found him, you’ll be able...

  • Guide Shenmue - How to Get into Warehouse 8 and Meet Master Chen

    Break and enter

    Once you reach New Yokosuka Harbor in Shenmue, one of your first tasks is to break and enter Warehouse 8 so that you can meet Master Chen – but this can be a bit of pain. To begin with, there are two warehouse districts, and you’ll need to pay a visit to the Old Warehouse District in order to infiltrate the Warehouse 8 that...

  • Guide Shenmue II - How to Win 5 Arm Wrestling Matches


    One of the first things that will happen when you arrive in Aberdeen in Shenmue II is that you’ll be challenged to an arm wrestling match. This first bout is easy to win, and you’ll be awarded the ‘Challenger’ Trophy for your efforts. Each time you win, however, the stakes will be increased – and winning the $50 bet is almost...

DOOM Eternal (PS4) Guides

  • Guide DOOM Eternal - Best Praetor Suit Upgrades

    What are the best upgrades?

    What are the best Praetor Suit upgrades in DOOM Eternal? Where should you be allocating your ability points first? DOOM Eternal allows you to upgrade your suit with various perks across its campaign, unlocked by ability points dotted throughout levels. However, which ones are the most useful and which should you focus on...

  • Guide DOOM Eternal - All Cheat Codes

    Tricking hell

    What cheat codes are there in DOOM Eternal? Cheat codes are a collectible in id Software's return to hell, activated via mission select back at your home base in the Fortress of Doom. They enable fun, interesting tweaks on the experience which either make the game harder or add a comical twist to certain mechanics. You can't activate...

  • Guide DOOM Eternal - What Difficulty Level Should I Start With?

    Which is the best starting difficulty?

    What difficulty level should I start with in DOOM Eternal? Which is the best starting difficulty mode in DOOM Eternal? Picking the right difficulty level for you in what amounts to id Software's best PlayStation 4 game yet is quite important as it'll influence the sort of experience you'll have. While it can be...

  • Guide DOOM Eternal - Best Runes to Get First

    What are the best Runes?

    What are the best Runes to get first in DOOM Eternal? What are the best Runes to equip in DOOM Eternal? Runes are small bonuses you can equip after finding secrets throughout the game's various levels, but which three are the best for your loadout? What ones are the best and should be unlocked first? This quick guide will...

Hitman 3 (PS5, PS4) Guides

  • Guide Hitman 3: How to Find the Case File in Dartmoor

    What is the code to Alexa Carlisle's safe?

    How do you find the Case File in the Death in the Family mission in Dartmoor in England in Hitman 3? Diana Burnwood will issue you with two primary objectives when you arrive at the Carlisle's estate: eliminate Alexa Carlisle and find the Case File. But where is the Case File hidden and what's the secret...

  • Guide Hitman 3: How to Find the Map in Dubai

    Mapping out the Burj Al-Ghazi

    How do you find the map to the Burj Al-Ghazi in the On Top of the World mission in Dubai in Hitman 3? One of your first objectives when you take control of Agent 47 in the United Arab Emirates will be to get a feel for your surroundings, and finding a floor plan can help. As part of our Hitman 3 guide, we're going to...

Dragon's Dogma 2 (PS5) Guides

Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS4) Guides

Assassin's Creed Odyssey (PS4) Guides

Fallout 76 (PS4) Guides

  • Guide Fallout 76: Should You Start at Level 2 or Level 20?

    Begin as a Fresh or Battle Ready Dweller?

    Should you start at Level 2 or Level 20 in Fallout 76? An important decision you'll need to make mere minutes into your Fallout 76 playthrough, this choice will greatly affect how you play the opening of the game and impact your loadout. In this Fallout 76 guide, we're going to answer the question: should...

  • Guide What Is Fallout 1st and Should You Buy It?

    Fallout 1st subscription explained

    What is Fallout 1st? Should you buy Fallout 1st for Fallout 76? A membership for Fallout 76 that gives you new benefits and rewards, you may be wondering whether you should sign up and reap all its bonuses. In this Fallout 76 guide, we're going to reveal what is Fallout 1st and answer the question: should you buy...